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Simple Tips on Investing in Stock

Over a period of time, if you to invest a tiny portion of income monthly, you really could set yourself up financially. If you invest your money intelligently in time you could easily send your son or daughter to the best schools, build your emergency fund, and retire comfortably. With that said, you must be somewhat knowledgeable about investments that you make or you will end up losing your tail. Most investors follow a similar investment strategies and rules.

Stock Trading and Investments (For the Beginner)

Stock trading and investment is a topic that would interest all people who desire to improve their financial condition. However, like in everything else, it’s best to start with the basics. When we started learning how to read, we started with a-b-c. When we begun studying about math, we started with 1-2-3, so with should also do this regarding Stock Trading and Investment. We should also start with the essentials. We have to know the rudiments about the stock market and investment prior to joining the lucrative game of investing.

Weekly Options – How and When To Use, And When To Avoid

The author, a conservative options specialist, explains how, when, why and where weekly options make sense if you are a risk-adverse, conservative investor. While standard MONTHLY options can be used for both one-way (directional) and credit spread (non-directional) trades in stock, ETF, or index options, the attractiveness of WEEKLY options varies dramatically depending on your objective. “Weeklies” offer potential benefits for certain directional trade “event” opportunities, but not necessarily for credit spread and Iron Condors used to generate monthly income.

2011 Results Are In – How Did Your Financial Guy Do?

The results for 2011 are in and the stock market barely moved. Its very easy to see if the money you are paying your financial guy was worth it.

Option Trading Education – Back to the Basics

Option Trading Education is very important as trading options unlike many other securities is not that straight forward. Options are a form of derivatives. An option always has an underlying. An option is a right to buy/sell a financial instrument at a particular price on or before a particular date. The above definition is for an American Option.

Penny Stock Trading – Learning the Ropes

Penny stocks are a great way to supplement your income with some side cash. Be sure you research how to make the most money safely before beginning any investment strategy, though. Read on to learn exactly how to start learning the ropes of penny stock trading.

The Anatomy of a Trader, Part 5 of 5: Fancy Footwork

Throughout life, we often hear loved ones or motivational speakers tell us to “stay grounded,” and to “keep both feet on the ground.” And although it’s a bit cliche, it’s true with a lot of things in life. With investing, it rings especially true, for if you lean too long or too short or too hard on one stock or type of investment, you’re bound to find trouble.

Shares Investments: How to Weather a Chaotic Stock Market Storm

Plummeting share prices and widespread uncertainty prompt investors to make critical decisions for their stock investments. Factors such as the cause of the fall in share prices and performance indicators should be taken into account.

Just What the Heck Happened in 2011? A Look Back at the Financial Markets

We laughed, we cried, we felt arrogant, and ultimately we freaked out. What a year! And all this netted out to a precisely even annual close for the S&P 500. We started the year at 1257.64 and closed at 1257.60. So, just what the heck happened in 2011?

Trading Success: Winning While You Are Losing

Many novice traders are searching for that Holy Grail of trading success, which for them is finding the perfect indicator to achieve the perfect entry. Let me state emphatically that there is no such thing as the perfect indicator. Why do people believe that there is?

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