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What is Quantitative Analysis of Stocks?

Quantitative analysis of stocks is done purely based on numbers. In this type of analysis, the price trend of the stock is analyzed based on historical data using complex mathematical calculations and statistical modeling techniques. The analysts who believe in quantitative analysis of stocks do not take into consideration the effectiveness of management, business or economy while doing this analysis.

Share Trading in India and Tips to Buy Stock Shares

The recent recession did create panic among investors and entrepreneurs alike, affecting trading in stock shares, but the story is not the same now. There are many who watch the market silently and with market news and analysts’ reviews and predictions amassing the investors’ minds, share trading in India is yet to gain momentum. It seems that market psychology drives the market at present rather than going by common knowledge.

Wall Street and Its Inherent Bull Market Bias – Personal Investment Strategy

For Wall Street firms to make greater profit, they have to create demand for their product and service. That demand has to be create by desires of people who want to invest their money.

What is Fundamental Analysis of Stocks?

When a company is analyzed by analysts based on the fundamental and financial level, it is called fundamental analysis of stock. This analysis takes into account various factors including financial health of the company, management’s effectiveness and market competition. Based on these factors, the analysts make out whether the company is fundamentally strong or not.

Introduction to Technical Analysis of Stocks

Most of the stock market beginners have no ideas as to how to pick a stock and they generally try to use their gut feel to find a good stock or they generally ask for a friends recommendation. Read on to find out how technical analysis can help you and that in turn will mean that you will be able to pick stocks using the stock price.

Investment Strategy For the Beginners

Most beginners in the stock market have no idea regarding the stock picking style or strategy. Most beginners go by the gut feel or by the friend’s recommendation regarding the stock that they should buy.

Stock Market Lesson Plans Are a Must For the Beginners

The stock market game is a tough place to be in and hence before venturing out into the cold blooded world of stocks you will need to make sure that you know everything about the stock markets as well as you have had some live experience using the stock market data. Now to learn the markets there are a couple of things that you need to do. Reading about the stock exchanges and how they function is a must if you want to understand the market intricacies.

When is the Best Time to Sell My Stocks and Shares?

Generally there are three main reasons to sell your stocks and shares. The target price you specified when investing in a particular stock or share has been reached. Major changes in a company that you are investing in are occurring. Lastly, a rapid rise in a stock or share value is in process.

Technology Investment – What You Need to Know to Profit by Investing in Technology

Tired of losing money in the stock market? You need to be invested in a sector with promise, like technology. Knowing what to buy and sell is tough, though, when examining something as complex as technology. Technology Investment demands an experienced researcher with the know how to sort through the hype. Find out what to look for so you can help avoid painful losses.

When Can You Afford to Invest in the Stock Market?

Investing in the stock market is the common knowledge place to go for good growth on your retirement savings. When you’re first starting to invest it’s easy to feel like you can’t afford to invest or you don’t have enough money to make any difference.

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