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How Much Pain Left For the Indian Stock Markets?

Indian Stock Markets went on for a blistering spike when the FII’s (Foreign Institutional Investors) triggered the sell button on last Friday. This was the worst fall in the history of Indian Stock markets and the same has been continuing since January this year. For a long time we were witnessing a massive bull rally which was questioned first when we were hit by redemption of funds from the FII’s early this year.

Stock Market Tips From the Sensible Investor

An interesting thing to note about the basic advice on the stock market is that no body who actually is new to the stock market actually follows them. They are actually too caught up in some advanced system or strategy that they blindly go on a path without building the right foundations to make them a successful investor.

Tips For Finding, Investing and Trading Good Penny Stocks

There is a lot of money to be made trading penny stocks as the prices are low but the movements can be high. Do keep in mind that there are risks, so it is important to educate yourself and make informed decisions when investing in penny stocks.

Bear Market Survival Tips

No investor looks forward to a bear market, but they are a part of the market cycle. Sot if you plan to be a long term investor in the stock market, it is better to plan how to survive the bear markets that you will encounter than to think you can avoid them.

Learn Stock Trading the Fast, Fun, and Easy Way

It is not nearly as difficult as you might think to learn stock trading. There is a wealth of stock trading information available today. I’ve put together some resources for you that will prove useful in helping you to learn how to trade stock.

Why You Need Successful Penny Stocks in Your Stock Portfolio

Let’s face it; most stock portfolios have been absolutely pummeled since 2008. And by only investing in the same “safe stocks”, it will take years of decent gains just to get back to where the market was just a few months ago. If you want to repair the damage to your account, maybe it’s time to take a look at successful penny stocks.

Top 8 Stock Research Sites

Stock Market sites equip the investor with the most basic to the most detailed information required. There are a countless number of sites which provide such information but a few of them lead the pack. Find more about it here.

What Goes Down Must Go Up?

There are always those doom-and-gloomers who’ll take a tough situation and make it worse. Sometimes these folks are our chosen leaders, sometimes they are just TV commentators, and well, sometimes they are like you and I, and they’ve convinced themselves that the stock market will never go up again. Thus, the old axiom buy low and sell high, falls on deaf ears.

Five Things You Should Avoid in a Bear Market

Now that the last of the disbelievers have given up hope, we should have no further doubts that we are in the midst of a raging bear market. So what does a smart investor do in this situation? Avoid making a bad situation even worse.

The S&P 500

S&P is short for Standard & Poor. This represents an index of 500 stocks chosen for many of their feature, the most important being the market size, liquidity and industry grouping. The main reason the S&P was created is that it serves as an indicator of U.S. equities, but it also reflects the risk/return characteristics of the large cap universe. It is actually a market value weighted index. This means that each stock’s weight in the index is proportionate to its market value.

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