How to Trade in Volatile Market ? (HINDI)

Covered Calls and Naked Puts

Some have asked whether a covered calls and naked puts combination is an option trading strategy worth considering. The best way to answer that is, that it depends how you choose to do it.

You Must Have A Full System For Different Market Conditions – You Will Be Leaving Money On The Table

No matter how good your setup is, it won’t work under all market circumstances. Determine the market conditions that occur the most and define a trading strategy for these ones.

You Are Your Own Worst Enemy On Becoming A Profitable Trader

Your worst enemy in the stock market is you and only you. You are the biggest cause for any problem or loss that you might face.

Entry Signals Are Only A Small Part Of A Complete Trading System

Many traders and investor are led to believe that the entry signal is the holy grail of a profitable and successful trading career. Unfortunately, to their peril, it is not.

Treat Trading Like A Business And You Shall Become Successful

If one wants to be a successful trader and investor, one must full analyze and clarify its setup before going in the markets. It is not enough to decide just when you will get in like many people are led to believe.

Three Asian Markets Poised for Growth

China, India and Russia have been on the radar of emerging stock market investors for years now, but do you know why? Read on to find out the reasons behind the growth and why investors from around the world are expecting big results.

It’s a Good Idea To Diversify in the Stock Market?

When a beginner starts to invest in the stock market, one of his first desires is to buy more shares. Some Google here, some Microsoft there and, as far as possible, a little bit of everything that seems to be at least ok. This is called diversification, or as the popular saying goes, putting your eggs in several baskets.

How to Pick Hot Stocks – Trading Expectations

When you look at stocks long enough, you start to see the huge role that expectations play in stock valuation. Sure you have supply and demand, sure you have fundamental valuation, but both of these are greatly affected by expectations.

Option Trading Advice

Those looking for option trading advice are usually either fairly new to the options market, or are experienced traders having some difficulty with their current trades and are hoping for an answer. So what is the best option trading advice for beginners?

For the Beginner in Option Trading

For those of you who may be only a beginner in option trading and just starting out on your journey of discovery, we have a few important tips here for you. If you take heed, they could mean the difference between substantial and consistent profits and wiping out your entire trading bank.

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