Investment Portfolio Analysis

Penny Stock Trading System – Tips to Know!

Trading penny stocks is all about information and strategy! Using a system to help you gain leverage over the market is always a MUST when buying and selling penny stocks. Penny stock trading is all about information and using that information attained to make large profits.

MACD Technical Analysis – Trend Following Momentum Indicator

Many investors will tell you that your potential for success in the stock market is completely dependent on your grasp of market price movements and the way that you exploit your sense of timing to result in the highest profits possible. This seems simple enough, simply buy stocks at the lowest price possible, and sell them at the highest price possible before they head south again; however like many things, it is easier said than done.

Choose a Stock Broker – Key Points to Remember

Learn how to choose a stock broker. To invest in the stock market, you need to have a DP (depository participant) account and a trading account.

Ruff Up Your Stock Strategy by Running With the Dogs of the Dow Investment Strategy

The Dogs of the Dow stock strategy is one of the most proven stock strategies that continues to work year after year for those who are not too familiar with the stock market or those that are simply in the know. Based on hard facts, the strategy enables those that lack the time to learn the stock market or those who are simply new to the exchange a way to safely invest and see returns every year.

The Stock Market – Simple Strategies For Investing

The investment strategies I am going to mention are the Contrarian Investment Strategies. These essentially involve choosing stocks that a few investors want to buy but the underlying businesses are strong in terms of competitive advantage, market share, copyrights and patents and so on.

An Introduction to Proprietary Trading

Proprietary trading is a term used in the context of a bank or other financial institution wherein the bank or financial institution engages in trading stocks, futures, options, commodities, currencies & other derivative instruments with its own money & on its own account. Traditionally banks & other financial institutions are engaged in accepting deposits from clients & lending the same at a higher rate to earn an income equivalent to interest rate differentials. Also Investment banks have played a major role in fund raising for its clients.

Stock Market Fundamentals – Understanding Fundamental Analysis

A lot of people like to talk about getting back to basics and making stock market investing as simple as possible, so that more people can feel confident about participating. Although you’re probably a little overwhelmed by all the terminology and strategy that is involved with making smart decisions in the stock market, it’s important to remember that much of the success that experienced investors enjoy is simply a result of them being able to restrain their emotion and allow common sense to guide their decision making.

Stock Market Glitch 1,000 Point Drop – Hmm, That Ought to Set Off Alarm Bells

Let’s discuss what a 1,000 point drop in the stock market actually means. This is well over $1-Trillion Dollars lost in market cap. So, when the largest drop and rebound in stock market history occurred on May 6, 2010 due to a so-called computer glitch occurred, well that should stop us to think about what we are doing on Wall Street. This Stock Market hick-up could have been many things – a hacker adding 4-zeros to a Procter and Gamble sell trade, perhaps large off-system block-trading selling to cover using many accounts, or a test of our financial system vulnerability.

Learn How to Replicate Warren Buffet’s Genius With Technical Stock Screening Tools

Many people would love to have the same success with the stock market that Warren Buffet the famous investor now worth billions of dollars has experienced most of their life. Not only has Buffet managed to take control of plenty of companies, but he has also held plenty of positions within publicly traded companies and purchased many others making him one of the top shareholders of the last century. Of course, he had a slight advantage given that stock shares used to be worth a substantial amount less.

Bought Deals – Sophisticated Investments Made Easy For Easy Money – New Issue, No Problem

The Bought Deal (Bot deal) is a very unique form of financing that can provide significant benefits to all of the participants (investors, brokers and the company needing funding). The essential reason is certainty. The brokerage firm stands behind the financing guaranteeing a closure without investors being contacted to determine their level of interest.

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