Is FII Selling Over?

Investment Tools That Aid in Stock Market Trading

Investment tools come in a wide variety and are meant for making the lives of stock traders easier. Investment tools aid all traders be it first time investors or seasoned players. These tools are consistently used by big and small institutional players of hedge funds, mutual funds and also by private equity players and corporate institutional clients to take informed decisions. Some of these tools are easily accessible through the Internet on account of the advancement of technology and are just a mouse-click away.

Finding Stock Trading Software – Key to Your Success

Information Technology plays an important role in our day to day life. In every walk of our life we can see gadgets and appliances that work on the latest technology to serve us and make our tasks much easier. Same can be experienced with stock trading.

Why People Invest in Stocks

There are many reasons why successful investors choose to invest in stocks specifically, or in conjunction with other investment opportunities like mutual funds and bonds. Before deciding to invest in stocks, it is important to review all the benefits and negatives to make sure that you have all the information you need to know to ensure you are making a good decision by investing in stocks.

The Stock Market For Beginners – Cutting Out the BS

The stock market for beginners might seem simple enough. Find a good tip and you can be rich! Well it is easy, but not before you learn a few simple rules. This is the first in a series of articles designed to reveal all you need so you can be successful right away.

Understanding the Stock Market and Investment Strategies

Every quoted company started as a limited liability company under the watch or the direction of individuals or groups of individuals. These individuals, or groups of individuals develop a concept and nurture it to maturity before inviting others to partake in what the company has acquired over a period of time, in the form of assets, goodwill, liabilities etc.

Penny Stocks to Watch – Developing Your Own List of Penny Stocks to Watch

Before you’re suckered by another online scam, learn how to create your own hot list of penny stocks to watch. It takes three steps.

The Origin of Options

Although many think options are a recent innovation, they actually date back to trades between the Phoenicians and the Romans. Options originated as risk-management tools. They were certainly not intended to create the kind of unhedged, open-ended liability which sometimes results when options are in untrained hands!

Going Long Versus Selling Short

Long refers to a position where one buys a stock or an option as an opening transaction. He is now long that particular stock or option. He offsets or closes this long position by selling the stock or option. Technically speaking, when a stock is sold short, the broker has already delivered the stock to the buyer. The short seller now owes the stock to his broker.

The Stock Market – History, Resources and Methods

History of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) The SEC Act of 1933 and 1934 was written and implemented primarily to protect public investors and to police all people associated with the equity markets. This includes the following…

Basics to Understanding Stock Options

This article was written for those who want to begin trading in options but are not sure where to begin. This article will begin teaching you some of the basic terms you need to understand. It will also give you an example as to what options trading is all about.

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