Live Trading- Option Buying & Option Selling

How to Find Multi Bagger Stocks Faster Than Ever Before

The one dream that an investor has is to find the multi bagger in the market. There are ways of identifying one.

Is Naked Short Selling a Form of Legalized Theft?

If you’re wondering if naked short selling is a form of legalized theft, you are wondering right. That’s because the practice involves someone selling stocks that they do not own. That isn’t like taking your neighbor’s car and selling it to someone as if you were the owner.

Options Trading is an Exciting Way to Invest in Stocks and Bonds

An option is simply a contract that says that within a certain time frame, you will have the choice of buying into an investment at a fixed price – the price being fixed in the contract. There are two ways in which the buyer takes a risk in options trading.

Are Your Investments Heading Towards the Right Direction?

Per the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) dated Oct 10, investors lost $2.5 trillion of wealth just in the previous 7 trading sessions and $8.4 trillion since hitting an all time high a year earlier. Buried under many big headlines about the troubled economy is a small report on the Sept. 27 issue of the WSJ about the still very low default rates for $5 trillion income-producing commercial properties.

Why is it Important to Understand Stock Option Greeks?

As traders and investors, we have to continue to keep learning all we can to sharpen our trading and investing skills. Trading and investing in options requires understanding, if not you will be exposed to risks from many different areas such as leverage, volatility, time decay, interest rate risks. These are factors that affect the pricing of stock options. By understanding them, which each factor is related to a certain risk characteristic and represented by a Greek word, the individual trader or investor is more prepared and can actually increase the probability of their option trade or investment making a profit.

Determining the Stock Market Bottom

Determining the stock market bottom Through my years of investing, I have been asked that same question many times, “How to know that this is the market bottom?”. People are obsessed by buying low and selling high and that’s why they are all eager to know where that bottom is so that they can buy at it.

Mechanical Trading Systems

Mechanical trading systems are definitely common when you talk to professional traders. Mechanical systems are the systems that all new traders should start with.

Get Your Share of That Penny Stock Money

Did you know there is a ton of penny stock money out there to be made right now? The opportunity is there especially now. America is in this credit crisis and it is crippling to stock market as we know it. For many people, this is a bad thing. They worry that investments will be bad and money will be lost.

Best Strategy to Buy Penny Stocks Online – Low Risk, High Gains

Penny Stocks are a can either make you or break you, it all depends on your approach. The most important thing to consider when buying penny stocks online is research.

Invest in Penny Shares Online

Many people consider investing in penny shares online. They a afraid to invest in penny shares because everyone says they are so risky and you will likely lose money. I strongly disagree with them. Penny shares are just like anything else. You can learn about them and get better at investing in them. I have been investing in them for a few years now and have loved every second of it!

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