Market Analysis | Best Stocks to Trade For Tomorrow with logic 03-Nov | Episode 622

Just One Guy’s Stock Market Opinion

My feelings are definitely mixed when it comes to the world of investing. On one hand, I truly believe if the average person was taught properly how to begin investing when they are young, people would have a much better quality of life. If I have one regret about my own investing experience it is that I did not take investing seriously at a young age. I do feel that if a person takes their time to learn the proper techniques, and can control their emotions and greed they can be very successful investing their money.

A Financial Analysis of Quilmes Industrial SA

The brewery industry encompasses many companies you have heard about, but other companies you have never had a chance to investigate. With market cap leaders such as Anheuser-Busch Companies or Molson Coors Brewing Company being the recognizable corporations in the United States, little attention is paid to other companies such as Quilmes Industrial SA (LQU). This mid-cap 4.4 billion dollar company has had a terrific share price rally over the past few years and has the capabilities to compete with the larger cap leaders of this industry.

South Wyoming’s Best Uranium Discovery?

Until the previous uranium cycle ended in the 1980s, Juniper Ridge had reportedly been the site of 12 small open-pit uranium mines. Many in the industry had called it the ‘best uranium discovery in southern Wyoming.’

Penny Stocks and the Investments

Recently, investors commence sharing in the penny stocks. This action occurred especially after investors began to realize that they had the ability to invest chump change in a selection of companies. In short, investors could invest a few pennies or dollars in small companies around the United States. Since Forex and the stock market exchange industry has higher risks many newcomers to the stock market will invest in penny stocks.

Developing A Trading Plan

It is true that investing definitely has its share of pitfalls and a good stock trading plan goes a long way to assisting any investor who wishes to enjoy profitable trading in the market. When beginning to invest in the stock market, it is critical to take the time to develop a trading plan, acquire the necessary tools to correctly evaluate companies and their financial situations, and to take advantage of learning from the people who have gone through it all before. While the market can be unpredictable, the principles and techniques needed to be successful have been used for years and have been shown to be quite reliable. A well thought-out plan and the lessons learned by others will provide the best investment advice an investor can ever receive.

How To Prosper In An Unstable Market

An unstable market can still be a source of great wealth, if the investor is wise and sticks to his or her plan. Unstable markets move in a way that creates opportunities for smart investors. The key is to stay within your stock trading plan. Unstable markets can be a great source of income if you take the time to find the winners.

Index Funds

For the average investor, nothing beats index funds.

Stock Tips That Do Not add Up

Beware of the Tipster who Proves to be 100% Correct By the time he calls the third time, his list is down to twenty. You were one of the remaining twenty. The word “con,” as in con man, is derived from the word, confidence And, I think you will agree that, based upon abbreviated face-time performance only…

Stock Picks 101 – “Why Didn’t I See That?”

Does spectacular, consistent trading success elude you? Welcome to “hindsight bias.” Does it always seem crystal clear what you should have done in the trade when you look back? There are many factors that separate successful traders from those who consistently trash their trading account. One of the most important of these factors is that successful traders learn from the past without judging themselves too harshly for their “mistakes.”

Stock Picks 101 – Avoiding “Revenge Trading”

Did you recently have a losing trade that upset you? Be careful not to set yourself up for making rash trading decisions, sometimes known as “Revenge Trading.” It’s only human nature to try to “make right” a “mistake” in this case, to right a trade that did not work out. The trading market does not care whether you’re upset with how your trading has been going lately. But it will gladly take your money if you trade recklessly or with desperation.

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