Market Analysis | Best Stocks to Trade For Tomorrow with logic 09-Jan | Episode 665

How To Be A Winner

Everyone who invests in the stock market wants to be a winner. Each person’s definition of a winner will be somewhat different, but there is hardly one who isn’t looking for that stock that will double in price within one year.

Complacency Indicator

If you haven’t heard of the technical indicator with the stock market symbol VIX it is now time to pay some attention to it. When the number is running low, as it is now, around 15 to 18 it means everyone is happy and thinks the stock market is going to continue up or at least continue on its current path and there is no need to sell anything. This is a measure of complacency. When the number goes above 35 it means everyone is very nervous and thinks the market is going to fall. It is considered a contrarian indicator.

The Surgeon General

The Surgeon General of the United States says that smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. It is printed on every pack of smokes you buy. When was the last time a smoker read or paid any attention to it?

Prosperity, Create It For Yourself

It has fallen upon the consumer to make our economy strong. All the politicians, economists and talking heads on TV are telling him (that’s you and me) to get out there and spend your money. Buy that new car, build a new house and fly off to some remote place for an expensive vacation.

Fake Money

Reach in your pocket and take out that big roll of bills. Depending on how many of them you have you feel pretty good. BUT did you know they are not worth the paper they are printed on? Huh? Let me explain.

Stealth Bull

If you have been watching the stock market at all you are probably very confused. You are not alone. One day is a hundred points up for the DOW and the next a hundred down. What is going on? There are many stocks that are going up and unless you are in the right ones you will be left behind.

The Next Bull Market

We are already in it, but you can’t see it. It doesn’t look like the one we had in ’99. Like the magician who has you watching what he wants you to and with the other hand he is doing something else that is what is happening in the stock market today. The magician is the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Nasdaq or the S&P500 Index. These have John Q. Public mesmerized.

Low Expense Ratio

One of the big advertising kicks today from mutual funds is to tell how low their expense ratio is and that you will make a great deal more money if you buy and hold with them. Partly true, but that is not the whole story.

Inertia Syndrome

When it comes to buying a stock or mutual fund most people act pretty quickly. There are some who will take the time to get a report from Morningstar (it is worthless) or get reports from their broker (also worthless) or even do a search on the Internet (if you know what you are doing). When your broker says “buy” you buy and when a friend gives you a “tip” you buy.

Perfect Storm

Having lived aboard a sailboat for 2 years I was stricken when I saw the movie “PERFECT STORM”. I know these are things you want to avoid at all costs. Even little storms can play havoc with your life style on a boat.

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