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Smart Short-Term Investments

There are investors who prefer to invest money in the long-term vehicles that yield returns in the long term (5 years or more). However, some investors are looking for quicker returns. Short-term investments allow investors to gain access to returns sooner.

Trading Pro System Review – Is it Worth It?

If you are looking for a stock market system that will make you millionaire overnight then Trading Pro System is not for you. David Vallieres and Eric Holmlund are the inventors of this system. It takes them more than 15 years to perfect their system.

How to Get a Free Stock Quote

If you’re looking for a free stock quote, it helps to know the best place to look. Many free stock information services only offer end of day quotes or quotes that are at least delayed by 20 minutes or more. If you wind up at one of those sites, you may not be getting the best free stock quote you could be.

When to Sell a Stock?

Tell me when to buy a stock and I will tell you when to sell a stock. If you know the correct answer to any one these questions, it is safe to conclude that you have mastered the share market.

Value Investing

In a bearish market condition, the prices of shares can decline significantly. At such market conditions, stocks of some big companies may be available at throw-away prices. Here, investors with a high “risk appetite” can engage in what is known as value investing.

Systematic Stock Investment Plans

Invest in suitable installments on a regular basis-this in short, is the Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) Many can not afford or do not wish to invest in lump sum. Compare it to the recurring deposit scheme with a Commercial Bank.

Buy Stock in Today’s Market

Buy stock based on the best information available to you at the time. Due diligence is always a must when you are deciding whether or not to buy stock.

Primary and Secondary Market

It is very important for a new investor to gain a good knowledge of the different kinds of financial markets for effective trading. At a macro-level, financial markets can be of 2 kinds:

Portfolio – How to Create, Grow and Preserve It

With thousands of shares listed in the stock exchanges all over the world and their number increasing everyday, selection to make a portfolio of 10-25 shares, has turned out to be a tough task for an investor. When you engage the services of a broker to make a portfolio for you, he will be mainly guided by the amount that you propose to invest in equities and the expectations and goals. Even though personal attention is main part of the public relations exercise of any organization, particularly that of investment consultants where money matters are involved, in this internet age, …

Online Stock Trading – Advantages and Risks

Online stock trading is a common phenomenon for big institutions, who have been involved in it through online network of Reuter’s “Instinet” and a system called “Posit” since the 1960s. However, it has become the “trend of the day” for all only since the late 1990s.

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