Market went against FIIs and Prop | Option Chain Analysis

How Options Are Priced

Understanding how options are priced can greatly help you profit in today’s stock market. One of the biggest misconceptions about options is that they are 100% related to the stock’s price.

Risk Management In Stock Trading

Risk comes from not knowing the results of your actions. At the same time it is equally true that the root source of our earnings lies in our ability to take risks. Business, they say, is another word for taking risks.

Online Investment – How To Earn Profits Intelligently?

Stock exchange is considered as the free market economy. It is the place where investors participate in the roller coaster ride of buying and selling of stocks.

How to Find a Stockbroker?

A stock broker is the middle man, a facilitator who helps the investors to trade in shares in the stock market. He helps them in buying and selling the shares of the companies whose stocks they are interested in trading.

NZ Mutual Fund Managers Offer Little Value

Having learned some bits and pieces of how Wall Street functions, one eventually realizes the limited benefits or merit held by mutual fund managers. Buying, holding, and praying in the stock markets (or “share-markets” coined by New Zealanders) does not require any know-how, in fact a few clicks of the mouse can get it done. Many New Zealanders have gotten ripped off from these investment businesses, and this rampant ploy has become increasingly apparent as an economic downturn descends.

What’s Next, North or South?

On a day when you hear about the worlds largest bank CITI Group losing $5 Billion and cutting 4,000 jobs world wide, you might expect markets to be down severely. You might also have expected the FTSE to stumble on the news that RBS is preparing a rights issue to shore up its balance sheet. However, apart from some early nervousness on Friday, the UKs benchmark index managed to close the week up 3.2%. The CAC & DAX both managed 4.3%.

Timing The Market Vs Buy and Hold

There are two different types of traders out there. Those that try to time the market, these trades try to find the absolute best points in which to get in and out of a stock. The other type of traders is the ones who buy a stock and hold on for the long term. These traders believe that the markets may go up and down, but in the long term they go up.

How to Overcome Fear in Trading

Most traders lose money in the stock market due to fear and greed. Learn how to successfully overcome fear in trading. This article covers how to overcome two main types of fear in trading: Fear of losing money and fear of losing profits.

Rules To Pick Good Stocks In A Bullish And Bearish Market

This article provides a well tested and disciplined trading plan to profit in the stock market. The detail rules are derived from almost 10 years of trading experience.

The Unbearable Lightness of Chinese Stocks

On 5/13/2007, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index (SSEC) for the first time crossed the 4000 level. In just this February, when the index crossed the 3000 level for the first time, it promptly dropped 9%, causing a worldwide correction in stock prices. Who would have thought, in the short 3 months that followed, it would have crossed another milestone…

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