Money Flow Confusion Explained – Notional and Premium Turnover (Hindi)

Why 2012 Should Be Better Than 2011!

A year ago the consensus forecast of economists was for 2011 to be a strong year for both the economy and stock market. It was not. This year they expect 2012 will see the eurozone debt crisis and a European recession drag the rest of the world into a global recession and the U.S. stock market into a bear market. Here’s why they will be wrong again.

Using the Dividend Discount Model to Value Stock

Methods for evaluating the value of a corporation can be as complex as looking deep into a company’s financial statements to determine an accounting value to simply looking at its stock price that it is trading for and the amount of dividends it pays out to stockholders. The latter is a very popular way that individuals should consider looking at in terms of valuing a corporation, this approach can reveal the value of common stock but has some drawbacks too.

Can Anyone Get In On the Facebook IPO?

You love Facebook. You believe in it. You want a piece of it. So you want to get in on the Facebook IPO. But to do that, you have to be an “accredited investor,” meaning that your net worth needs to be above $1 million, your annual income needs to be over $200k and you must be able to certify that you have experience investing in private companies. Whew!

Stock Investing: The Santa Claus Rally

In mid-December there is nothing discussed more often on Wall Street than the so-called “Santa Claus rally”. The Santa Claus rally, also referred to as the year-end rally, is a phenomenon that occurs almost every December when the price of stocks surge.

Fundamental Analysis of Stock Markets

What are stock markets? What is getting traded there? Stock markets are nothing but selling the ownership of the company. What is valued here? Here it all depends on how you evaluate a company. If you go to a grocery shop you will buy fruits. How do you decide the value of the fruit? It all depends on your needs, also relation between demand and supply. If you get more fruits in the market and if there is a less demand obviously the rate would be lesser. It is same here in stock markets too. More the buyers for a stock in company, more price of the scrip.

What Is Short Selling?

Short selling is a means to profit when an asset decreases in value. This asset could be in the form of stocks and shares, commodities, funds or currencies. Short selling, or shorting, is often associated with large, institutional investors such as hedge funds and investment banks.

Finding Opportunities in Obscure Microcap Stocks

The Intelligent Investing section on featured an interview Steve Forbes conducted with low-priced stock expert Marc Gerstein titled “Outsmarting Mr. Market”. Mr. Gerstein feels that although “The market is wiser than ever… there are still opportunities to be found.”

The New Trade-At Rule

In the last few years, it has been brought to our attention that there has been evidence of unfair events in stock trades. Back in 2008, roughly 18 percent of equity trades were made “off the board”-meaning that these stocks were not listed on any major exchanges. An example of this is “penny stocks”. Usually the financial media simply ignores these kinds of trades. But the percentage of people making these trades has increased drastically-to nearly 31 percent.

Limit Up Limit Down – The Cure for Market Volatility?

With the continuous extraordinary volatility that the market has been experiencing these past months, leading organizations in the industry of stock market have formulated a solution to be able to address the problem. This solution is termed as the Limit Up Limit Down. Organizations have proposed the approval and practice of the methodology to control the market volatility.

Stock Market Insights For Beginners

Greetings! Welcome to the wonderful environment of investing in the stock market. You’re about to be part of the ranks many elite groups of people, particularly those who have chosen to actively manage their own revenues and make it function for them.

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