NIFTY & BankNIFTY Technical view for 25-june-HINDI

Trade Options – Why They Are Safer Than Shares

Option trading is often referred to as being risky. Buying direct shares is actually more risky and has less benefits/rewards. Crossing the road blindfolded is very risky.

The 3 People You Meet When Investing in Stocks

Everyone knows that investing in stocks can be profitable if done right. But some people are led to believe that the entire process is dead simple. In other words, you do not need help at all and you can do it all by yourself!

The Wheels Are Coming Off of the Market

The next downturn will be much worse than expected. This is a market of extremes. The simple expected “double dip” scenario is much too sanguine.

Everything You Need to Know About Buying Stocks

What are stocks? They are commonly known as shares or equity or property. All the related terms do reflect the meaning of stocks. When you buy a stock, you are practically buying a part of a company and therefore owning part of the corporation yourself. Stocks are able to go public through initial public offering (‘IPO’).

Types of Investment Strategies

There are many types of investment strategies that you can employ. Here are some guidelines as you develop you own portfolio.

Grow Your Nest Egg Even With Contrarian Markets

If you look at the stock markets, I mean really study them and compare them to what people around you are saying, they appear to do almost exactly the opposite of what people think they will do. When everyone is talking about how the market will ignore this bit of bad news because Company A had a great quarter and Company B announced a larger dividend, the non-farms payroll number is looking good and most everyone who wants a job can get one, so things are pretty good and the markets will go up more. But the market starts to drop. Why is that?

Fibonacci Retracements and Candlestick Analysis

Fibonacci retracements and extensions are known to be fairly reliable indicators when used on their own. Often they can accurately predict the support and resistance lines throughout the trend of a security and this can help determine price targets which, if used correctly, can help a trader make a large profit.

Benefits of the Coverdell ESA, Formerly Known As the Education IRA

Formerly known as the education IRA, the now named Coverdell ESA can be used to secure funds for college or university for your children. If you are a parent or guardian for a child or children under the age of 18 you are allowed to make nondeductible contributions to an education IRA. The money in this IRA may be taken out, free of tax whenever you need it for educational purposes.

Eligibility and IRA CD Rates

The acronym IRA stands for individual retirement account. It is a personal account that is tax free and is specially made for persons who are employed as well as their spouses. If you are interested in starting an IRA you can start at a bank, insurance company, mutual fund or brokerage company.

Investing Money on BSE Companies

When there is diverse investment options open in front of you and if you have time and funds why stay behind? You can be a part of the millions of investors minting money from the Indian stock market.

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