NIFTY Financial Services NIFTYFIN -How To Trade

How Is the Value of the Stock Index Calculated?

A stock index is a statistical indicator that measures the combined value of a number of underlying stock prices. As stock indices are usually formed by a group of leading stocks in a market, they represent the overall health of an economy as well as the value of the stocks.

Advice On Becoming A Successful Stock Trader

If you have done stock trading before then you know it can be difficult but just know that it is not as hard as you are making it out to be. Something you need to understand is that trading stocks is more about reading the charts than it is about the actual trading that goes on during the day. The whole reason I say this is because reading a stock chart is what makes a successful trader and when it comes to evaluating a company properly you will be able to earn a decent income from them as well.

Five Steps To Improve Your Opportunities With Online Stock Trading

Many people would like to pursue new opportunities of improving their financial standing which exist outside of the traditional working environment. When pursuing this opportunity for yourself, one of the greatest resources you could try to take advantage of is found with the possibilities of online stock trading. When looking to benefit from this unique investment possibility, it would be ideal to follow the following five steps, in order to improve your possibility of avoiding loss and attaining financial gain.

Characteristics of Effective Stockbrokers

Just like any profession, the stockbroker’s career becomes successful for those who possess the characteristics necessary for a winner. The industry of stockbrokers is very competitive and one should be extraordinary to reach the top. What characteristics should an aspiring stockbroker possess in order to be successful in this industry?

How to Easily Beat the Stock Market – Step 1: Follow the Trend

Trading in stock market is always puzzling. Here I want to share some basic techniques to help you beat the market and always keep yourself on the right side of your trades. For the first article of this serial, let’s focus on TREND.

Why Short Term Stock Trading May Not Be the Best Choice

So you have heard that short term stock trading is the key to financial success in the stock market. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Learn why many number of people who choose to involve themselves in short term trading may end up losing more than they win. In this article I explain the risks and dangers involved in short term stock trading. Read to find out why short term stock trading is risky; why it is just like gambling.

On Diversified Investment Dynamics – Mutual Funds, Stocks, Commodities

India is a diverse country and this diversity is witnessed in the Indian market too. You have a plethora of options for investment starting from stocks to mutual funds, commodities, and more.

International Stock Trading – How to Do It Successfully

With the advent of online trading, international stock trading has become accessible for even everyday people like you and me. If you are already involved in domestic trading, the transition to the global market should not be difficult. If you prepare yourself, you can learn to understand the differences between foreign and domestic markets. Read on to learn what you need to know.

Attention All Investors – Mind the Gap!

Let’s be in no doubt here: if Greece goes down, we all go down, with all the implications that has for asset prices everywhere, including bonds, stocks, commodities – and yes, even cash in the bank. After all, who’s going to bail out your bank if your government’s bankrupt?

Secret Benefit of a Major Stock Market Drop

No one likes to see the stock market drop, especially a major decline. But there is a benefit, a secret benefit, from a major drop in the markets. If you look at a decline in the markets as “the glass is half full” the opportunities and benefits can be enormous.

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