NIFTY Technicals – How to do the technical analysis? (HINDI)

Guaranteed Stock Market Bonds – Are They A Good Option?

At the moment, one of the frustrations for savers is the low rates of return they are experiencing on cash deposits. This has resulted in some investors being persuaded by salespeople to put their money into a Bond that is linked to the performance of the stock market in some way or form. There are many articles appearing in the press on this, and as usual the banks and building societies are coming in for criticism. According to Money Mail, savers have committed £40 billion to these ‘structured products’, which usually have a 5 or 6 year timespan.

Thought Processes for Successful Stock Trading – Part I

As a professional trader, I want to vomit when some psychologist comes out with a psychoanalysis of what a successful trader should be. This has nothing to do with psychology. In fact, if you are dumb enough to believe that you should substitute someone else’s judgment for your own, to believe that some doctor or professor knows better than you do how your mind should work, don’t bother trading, just send your trading capital to some worthy charity as that will be better than handing it over in the market.

The Trend Is Indeed Your Friend, But You Must Be Able To Identify One First

Knowing how to identify a proper trend is a must. The trend can in fact, become your best friend.

Stock Market Investing – 3 Good Reasons To Invest In Stocks

You’ve probably been told that the stock market is risky and you’ve probably heard stories of how people lost millions in stocks. Chances are that you’ve started believing the stories in the media of how the sky is falling and that you should stay away from stocks. The truth is that the stock market is where the rich come to play.

How to Triple Your Investments on Promising Stocks

Although financial experts have declared our recession officially over, we are still seeing the effects especially in the stock market. Still, there is a great deal of money to be made in the stock market from bottomed out priced promising stocks, many of which are at all-time low prices and are ripe for the picking. Millions of traders are relying on one hugely successful method in particular for differentiating between those which have bottomed out from the rest to find high probability promising undervalued stock opportunities.

Australian Share Prices – Why They Go Up and Down

Share prices can fluctuate for many different reasons. Many factors can simultaneously cause the price of a share to fluctuate. Some factors are predictable, others are not. Major reasons include supply and demand for the share, inherent value and other potential influences on stock prices.

Share Types

Companies release different share types depending on the reason they need to raise capital. Each share class has different rights and requirements attached to its owner or investor. A stockbroker is able to explain to you the benefits of each different type of share.

Buying Shares

Shares can be bought from the company itself in an initial public offering (IPO) or share float, or be purchased from other investors via the share market. Shares can only be sold to other investors on the sharemarket.

How to Invest

An important skill in creating your financial success is learning how to invest. Your investment plan should bethought of as project and be given ample thought and time.

Why Should You Invest?

Financial freedom is something that everyone wants however it means different things to different people. For some people it’s about being able to retire before they turn 50, others want to own a smoothly operating business, for others it’s to pay off the home mortgage, travel the world or to write a best selling novel. In reality, financial freedom means being able to live sustainably without the need to work for an income.

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