Option Chain Premium Analysis (HINDI)

Investing In International ETFs

Think about the DOW Index as the barometer of the NYSE. Let’s compare the return when you invest in the DOW as compared to an International ETF. Let’s take a few examples. The Chile ETF (ECH) has risen 157.8% since the beginning of 2009 while the Indonesia ETF (IDX) has risen more than 263.9% since the start of 2009.

Option Trading For a Living

The very idea of option trading for a living is appealing in itself. It conjures thoughts of sacking your boss, working (if you can call it that) from home, making a few decisions each day and watching the profits roll in while you enjoy the lifestyle of your dreams. Very appealing isn’t it! But it’s not reality.

Option Strangle – A Discount Straddle, But What About the Risk?

The option strangle is a cheaper alternative to the straddle. Unlike the straddle where call and put options are purchased “at-the-money” a strangle position is defined by all purchased options being “out-of-the-money” (OTM). This is why a strangle is usually somewhat cheaper than the straddle. But how does this discount compare with the risk?

Penny Stocks Are a Good Way to Get Invested in Investing

There are lots of ways to get involved with the investment market and learn to successfully navigate it. You can try paper trade, for example. Still, if you want to trade actual stock and have the most potential to make money even as you learn, you’ll choose penny stocks.

Long Term Stock Trading

      When it comes to investing, the long-term view is often the safest for an investor to take. This is no less true for penny stock investors than it is for an investor who deals exclusively in blue chips. Making smart short-term investing decision requires an investor to be able to read an overall meaning and pattern into the smallest movements of the market.

Are You Planning On Becoming A Player Of The Trading Market?

The NYSE or New York Stock Exchange has been a leading player in the American financial market for over two hundred years. The trading market has long been an exciting arena where fortunes are won and lost every day.

Investing And Managing Your Expectations

You can make a lot of big promises about the financial benefits of investing in penny stocks. Many people will, especially online and especially if they can benefit by interesting you in their goods and services. Everyone will tell you that you can make your fortune by investing in penny stocks as long as you just use their formula.

Short Term Stock Trading

You might think that the idea of a short-term trading strategy for penny stocks is an oxymoron. It makes sense, since penny stocks are characterized by their short-term, high-risk nature as investments. This characterization is drawn from their comparison to other, more stable stock market investments, however.

Making a Quiet Killing With Penny Stocks

    The whole point of investing is to use your funds to generate more funds. It helps the company whose stocks you buy, it helps the economy, and it helps you. Still, most people really don’t make astronomical sums through investing in low risk, long-term stocks.

How Can I Make Money In The Stock Market?

Stock market investors hope to make money. Who wouldn’t? That’s why this question comes up so frequently! Below I’ll share a strong tip with you, on how you can earn a profit as an investor.

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