Option Chain Premium Decay Analysis Strategy | Call Put Premium Analysis

Dealing With The Emotions Of Stock Trading

To be successful in trading, a person has to embrace risk and understand it role in the process. There is a fine line between trading and gambling and controlling your emotions is the key.

Some Information About Financial Spread Trading

Financial spread trading is a tool used for permitting stock traders for gaining from the increase and decrease movement of the stocks on different global markets like currencies, bonds, shares, stock and commodities like energy, crude oil and gold. This method of trading is different from any other method since profits earned here are completely free from any form of tax. It is a highly flexible since different markets can be traded through a single account.

How To Buy and Hold The Right Stocks

Buy and hold investing is out of vogue currently, yet it remains an exceptional investment strategy when executed correctly. This article outlines a practical and rational approach to picking ‘buy and hold’ type of stocks.

What Are Interest Rates and Why Are They Always Changing?

Although a lot of people are familiar with interest rates, few actually understand how and why they change. Understanding when the rates change can be one of the most conducive ways to properly invest in equities and fixed income securities. Reading this article will equip readers with an approach to determining changing rates and increased returns.

What Makes a Great CEO?

Often times, stock investors may only get wrapped up in the calculative value of a business from the reported accounting each quarter. This article demonstrates a different approach to looking at the intangible value of a stock pick by assessing the businesses leadership.

The Stock Market: Tips to Stay on Top

Here are 8 tips to keep in mind when investing in stocks. Have you invested your money, but not seen the returns that you want? How about a little straightforward advice and some simple common sense ideas to help you stay on top…

Learn Stock Option Trading and Understand the Options Trading Systems Before Investing

If you do an internet search you will find that there are hundreds of websites that try to sell options trading systems but you will be surprised to find that very few of them describe what exactly stock option trading is. An option is, in reality, a contract that the stock holder can make use of to buy or sell the stock at a specific price on or before a fixed date.

A Warren Buffett Book – Three Key’s to Ben Graham’s “The Intelligent Investor”

One of Warren Buffett’s Favorite Books of all time is “The Intelligent Investor,” by Benjamin Graham. This article highlights three of the most important aspects of this classic investing book.

The Three Important Parts of Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations”

For any scholar that wishes to study one of the most complex finance texts of all time, they’ll definitely want to read Adam Smith’s, “The Wealth of Nations.” This classic macro-economics investing text provides profound insights to how currencies work and operate. This article briefly describes the three most important pieces found in this amazing book.

How I Go About Picking Stocks

Conventional wisdom says picking stocks is a losers game, when in reality, picking stocks is the cheapest way to have exposure to the stock market when done correctly. Learn what information to focus on when picking stocks and some of the common mistakes beginning stock pickers make. This article outlines how I went about picking some of my best stocks.

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