Paper Trading Explained #shorts #wealthsaga

Where to Invest? Property or Shares?

When it comes to investing people often get confused about investing in property and investing in shares. Both investments plans have its perks, property investment has been a solid performer so does the share investment.

The Holy Grail of Options Trading

One of my favorite movies growing up was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. You may remember this movie that starred Harrison Ford & Sean Connery on a quest to find the “Holy Grail” before the bad guys get their hands on it. Towards the end of the movie the villains are trying to distinguish which cup is the real holy grail among a wide variety of chalices.

The Basics of Stock Options

This article is a short introduction to stock options. Hope you find it interesting.

All You Need To Know About Value Investing And How To Get Started

This article is about value investing. It explanin in basic how to start to invest in stock by using value investing method.

Two Healthcare Stocks That Investors Should Keep in Portfolio

SINGAPORE- There are many portfolio supervisors that will recommend that it is helpful to add a couple of safe stocks when making your investment portfolio and stock investment. A safe stock is one that can flourish even in monetary downturns. Not exclusively do protective stocks give security to your portfolio, however, they likewise go about as a support amid bear markets.

Amazon, King of Disruptors

When it comes to disruptive technology, there’s one company that reigns supreme. Amazon ($AMZN). Amazon and it’s pioneering founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, are responsible for disrupting more industries than I can count on my hands, and they’re still going.

5 Explanations For The Stock Market’s Growth!

Although, some people experience, stellar results, while others, discover far less profitable experiences, the American stock market, is a major component, of the overall United States economy! What specific indexes mean, and represent, and, the reasons, they go, up, or down, is, often, a somewhat, complicated one! For more than, the last 6 years (prior to the pandemic), we have witnessed, an unprecedented, growth, in stock’s performances.

Why The Stock Markets Keep Going Up While The Economy Is So Bad

Confusion is one of the worst mental and emotional tortures. This article is to resolve the confusion of the conflict of how the economy can be so bad and the stock markets be at all time highs. I have been trading on the stock markets for over 13 years.

Which Portfolio Mix, Is Best For You?

When, it comes to investing, and/ or, personal financial planning, there is no such thing, as, one – size – fits – all! Depending on one’s age, needs, goals, priorities, risk tolerance, purposes, etc, the most appropriate strategy, may be determined, on a case – by – case, basis! Your total assets, liquid assets, income (from a variety of sources), job security, reserves, and personal, comfort zone/ level, are significant factors, to determine, the best path forward, for you, in terms of creating a personal, investment portfolio.

What Is Stock Split and Why Apple Is Doing – How Stock Split Impacts Investors

Stock Split is a matter of optical perception. In technical terms, the cumulative capital value for the company remains the same.. Stock split doesn’t add any monetary value to your investments. Only the number of shares you will now have will be amplified by a specific multiple

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