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Apple is Gold to the Core

Apple Computer has been an excellent performing stock these past 18 months. Yet, the best is yet to come. With new products and upgrade releases the earnings poer and leverage is dramatic these next three years.

Trading Options – Look For Liquidity

If you’re interested in trading options, then it’s a good idea to always look for options that are highly liquid. What does this mean? Basically, it simply means that there are lots of people all trading the same options as you. That’s important, because it means there’s plenty of supply and demand. If you need to exit a trade, you want to be reasonably confident there will be someone out there wanting to buy into it – and that’s what liquidity gives you.

Is Disney a Magical Purchase?

With the NHL, NFL, and NBA seasons ready for a new year, the large conglomeration of Disney (DIS) looks to boost guidance for its many enterprises during the fall to winter seasons. As a Dow component, Disney has helped propel the recent rally by recently reaching a 52 week high in aims of a very favorable market according to recent trends. However, with a recession looming should you be involved in such a company who basis a lot of its products on consumer expenditures?

Stock Market Basics

The term stock market, as the name connotes, is a place where you can market or trade a company’s stock, which the corporation issues through shares in order to raise capital. Of course, capital is the cost that a company incurs in relation to producing its products and services.

Selecting A Stock


Intro to the Stock Market

The stock market is full of stress and anxiety for almost everyone who has a fairly decent amount of money invested in it. It can be a very emotional roller coster ride as you watch your investments jump one day just to drop the next.

What It Takes For Successful Stock Investing

Here’s some tips for the average investor.

Active Investing in the Stock Market

Active investing is a strategy used in the stock market. People who are actively investing will buy and sell stocks regularly. They monitor the stock market and find way to make quick money. Most people are passive investors.

Why Fall In Love With Your Stocks

Falling in love is easy, but breaking up is so hard to do. After spending hours pouring over numerous trading opportunities, you’ve found the perfect stock that meets your criteria and place your trade.

How Stock Quotes Are Made

How are stock quotes made, what is the bid and ask price and why is there a spread? Many different factors drive the price of a stock but at the end there can be only a trade when buys and sells are matched at a certain price.

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