Short Covering or Reversal? Sell or Buy? Free Stock Market Classes . Stock Market for Beginners

UK Economy Deteriorating! UK Stock Market To Crash?

Apart from the occasional dip, the FTSE 100 index has steadily marched upwards since early July. It’s now even within reach of its recent April peak, which was the highest point since May 2008. Some investors don’t seem to be fazed by the deteriorating situation in the ‘real’ economy. Some investors’ hopes are resting on the Bank of England and how much new money it will print via quantitative easing (QE). They believe we are in a “win-win” situation. If the economy weakens, we get more QE, which drives up stocks and shares. If the economy strengthens, corporate profits will improve, which drives up shares. However, quantitative easing might not do the trick this time round. More QE could actually do a lot of damage to confidence, and thus to the stock market.

Making Money in Select High Yield Dividend Paying Stocks: MREITs, MLPs, and BDCs

High yield generally equals high risk. Is there any way to achieve high yield and avoid the associated high risk? How can I profit like the institutions

Yes, It Would Be Totally Worth It

If you could believe and trust the gurus who are touting their expertise on stock market trading, it would be totally worth it to listen to them and sign up for their programs. Too often they do not live up to their claims.

Internet Share Trading: Things to Know

Ever want to dip your toes in the stock market, but not been sure where to start? In the old says, you had to hire a broker to place your trades for you; needless to say, this was slow and expensive. These days, however, internet share trading allows everyone to play the market from the privacy of their own homes.

How to Find the Best Penny Stock – Words of Advice

Penny stocks are cheap stocks which can result in a huge return and high profits. If investors analyze day traders trading and keep an eye on top penny stocks, they can gain a lot of helpful tips and can make good interpretations. It is important for every investor to know exactly where to buy their stocks from and such information is mostly needed by beginners, as beginners can find the stock market to be a tricky place.

How to Get the Best Option Trading Program

Millions of traders the world over rely on option trading programs to send them smart analytically backed stock picks so that they can invest accordingly without the time or knowledge to put towards it themselves. Because of this there are so many different programs on the market today screaming for your attention, but I’ve found that the best programs have certain things about them which give them away just like the programs which you should stay away from, so keep these things in mind to get the best option trading program.

How to Triple Your Investments in the Stock Market on the Best Dividend Stocks

A new technology has been spreading like wildfire amongst traders of all different levels for finding the best dividend stocks. This is how it is used to triple your investments in the short-term in the stock market on the best dividend stocks.

How to Be Masters of Penny Stock Trading

Do you have any idea what penny stocks mean? How about penny stocks trading? According to many websites, these are also referred to as micro cap equity or it refers to a certain share in a company which trades for less than 5 dollars.

Candlestick Patterns in the VIX Predict Greater Volatility in Stocks

The VIX Index is a barometer of investors’ complacency or fear. A High reading equates to fear; a low reading equates to complacency. Recently, the VIX has been at approximately the same low levels which prevailed just prior to the Flash Crash of May 6, 2010. Now the VIX is rising, which is an indication that investors may becoming a little less certain that the stock market will continue to rise.

An Introduction To Digital Options

Digital options, also known as binary options, are options whose returns can only be two (2) possible outcomes, ‘In The Money’ or ‘Out Of The Money’. In addition, the payout of digital binary options are fixed beforehand regardless of whether the underlying asset price is one (1) pip or one hundred (100) pips above (for call options) or below (for put options) the strike price. In other words, whether the fact that you are in the money by $1 or $5, the payout that you will receive is the same.

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