SMART Money is Confusing the Market | Option Chain Indicator

How To Avoid Chasing Stocks

Many short-term players view trading as a form of gambling. Without planning or discipline, they throw money at the market. The occasional big score reinforces this easy money attitude but sets them up for ultimate failure. Without defensive rules, insiders easily feed off these losers and send them off to other hobbies.

How to Not DayTrade

How to DayTrade Mindblowing News.

What Is Fair Value?

In the morning we find it quite useful to watch the futures versus the fair value.

Investing & Online Stock Trading: The Importance of Having a Mentor and a Stock Trading Plan

Successful stock traders know that crucial to their success is their ability to create their own personalised detailed Stock Trading Plan – and then sticking to it with discipline. Their Trading Plan should document in detail their strengths and weaknesses, lifestyle,goals, market and timeframes, stock selection techniques, entry & exit strategies, money & risk management , record keeping, analysis and review In this article, John Atkinson, co-author of the new Stock Trading Plan Template discusses a recent experience of sailing in the Pacific Ocean & how it relates to profitable stock trading.

How to Choose an Online Stock Broker

Your most important decision is not what stocks to buy or sell, but what online broker to buy and sell them with. But how should you decide who is the best online broker for you? Here are some factors to consider.

The Case for Value Stock Investing-What If?

Predicting the performance of individual issues is a totally different ball game that requires an even more powerful crystal ball and a whole array of completely illegal relationships. No one can predict individual issue price movements legally, consistently, or in a timely manner.

S&P 100 to Russell 2000 Ratio

Large caps may generally outperform small caps over the next few years.

Investing In Dividend Paying Stocks

Dividend is a crucial part for investors’ investing return historically. According to Wikipedia, when dividend yield is high or rising, it is when investors’ return among the greatest.

Stock Exchanges – New York, London, Toronto, NASDAQ And Others

Which are the biggest stock exchanges in the world? Find out more…

The Stock Exchange – A Beginners Guide

Seasoned investor and investment adiser, Stuart Langridge offers some guidance for beginners to the world of high (or low) finance.

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