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Indexing is King – But What Index?

There is widespread agreement that index (tracker) funds produce superior returns to the average actively managed fund. But once you’ve seen the light on indexing the vital question becomes which index(es) to follow? Should you follow a narrow index eg the Dow Jones Industrial Average, or a broader one such as the S&P 500? Should you limit yourself to your domestic market, or allocate a proportion of your funds to overseas markets? Should you stick to the major economies or get some exposure to the higher risks and potential rewards of emerging markets?

How to Invest Directly in the Shares of a Company?

Several great listed companies have a direct investment plan. This could take three forms. One could invest a fixed amount in the shares of a company.

Three AMEX Oil & Gas Penny Stocks

Penny stocks can be found up and down AMEX and in all different industries. Today, I’ll share with you three oil and gas penny stocks that you might want to have a look at. Penny stocks can be a goldmine.

Keeping a Good Risk to Reward Ratio

Keeping a good risk to reward ratio is critical to the success of a stock market trader. This is something that most new traders will ignore.

Stocks to Buy When Crude Oil Price is Rising

The oil prices persist rising, as the requirement becomes far more than supplies. Developing nations like India and China have heightened need for oil to bear their enormous development rate. Developed nations like Japan and USA too have heightened claims for oil to preserve regular working requirements.

Three Ways to Avoid Penny Stock Fraud

For many, penny stock investing is a goldmine. There are many penny stocks in the market worth investing in. As a stock trader, you naturally assume a certain degree of risk. However, the risk is expanded in the penny stock arena, because it’s a favorite target for scam artists.

AMEX-Traded Penny Stocks

Did you know that there are many penny stocks traded on the major exchanges-like AMEX? Many stock investors think penny stocks are only found on the OTCBB or Pink Sheets, but that’s just not true.

Make Money Through Stock Trading

Do you reckon that money rules the world? If yes, then you are absolutely right. If you are financially strong, you can enjoy your life to the fullest, you can provide good education to your children and will never have to compromise with your needs and wants.

Aggressive Vs Defensive Stock Investing

Aggressive stock investing means taking greater risks. The risks can take numerous forms. You invest in highly volatile market when the fluctuations in prices defy all the techniques of analytical and fundamental research.

Why Do You Need to Invest in Stocks?

You are working in a good company. Your monthly income is also good. But have you ever thought why your bank balance is not good? The answer is quite simple, your expenditure is more and you cannot control that easily. But, there is a very simple solution if you really want to achieve financial stability. Investment is one of the most intelligent options you can look for.

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