Stock ready for big move!

ETF (Exchange Traded Fund)

ETFs or the Exchange-traded funds are open-ended investment companies that are also termed as the Unit Investment Trusts (UITs). ETFs generally include different asset classes like the stocks and bonds.

Select a Good Stock Market Strategy For Good Returns

Stock market can be a good money maker if you know how to play the stock market correctly. A lot of people get into the stock market thinking they can make big money but then lose money by making some rash decisions.

Stock Market Explained – A Guide to Understanding What a Stock Market Really Is

The stock market is any exchange or location where shares are bought or sold. Every share is electronically bought and sold on a particular stock exchange. For example, in the United States there are different major stock market exchanges.

Investment Guide – Five Important Features of Common Stocks

Successful investment in the stock market requires an understanding of the different characteristics and features of the stocks. It is important to learn some basic knowledge about what common stocks is, how many types of stocks there are, what causes stock prices to change and many more.

Penny Stocks – Reasons to Avoid Them

Many of you might have heard of Penny Stocks also known as “Pink Sheet Stocks”. Just as their name says, penny stocks are stocks that usually sell for less than a dollar a share and in some cases…

Video Review – Stock Risk Management – Trading With a Plan

In this video, Chris from Opivo Trading discusses stock risk management – the importance of having a plan when you trade. Getting into positions without a plan and purpose is a scenario for losing. When trading, follow a plan which clearly defines entry and exit points.

Different Types of Stock Orders

There are a few different types of stock orders that can be helpful to an investor. These orders can fit well for different objectives.

Investing in High Yield Dividend Stocks

Falling interest rates have left investors in the lurch, as treasury bills, CD’s, and money market savings accounts are no longer generating yields worthy of one’s savings. As investors look to recoup the lost income from shrinking interest rates, they are more and more turning to high yielding dividend stocks, in less volatile and unglamorous sectors.

Mind Your Stock Trading Commissions!

There are several factors that you should keep in mind before selecting a stockbroker for your online stock trading. These factors include stock trading commission, fast trade execution, security of your personal and financial information, provision of trader education and research tools such as graphs, ticker symbols, news flashes on the website and so on.

Investor Account Security and Trade Order Execution Issues in Online Stock Trading

There are several factors, besides the low trade commissions, that you should consider before finally settling for your online stock broker. Some of the most important considerations should include fast trade execution, security of your personal information, fund transfers, insurance and protection of your account. Your stock broker’s website should provide facilities for education and research for the clients such as graphs, ticker symbols, news headlines, latest stock quotes and so on.

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