BankNifty Crash 1000Points #powerofstocks #poshorts
What Is a Bear Market? Technical Definitions and Investor Psychology This article discusses bear markets. In addition to standard technical definitions, the conditions which create a bear market are covered….

HERE I AM! #posshorts #powerofstocks
Penny Stock Investing And Trading In the financial market of U.S., penny stock are common stocks that have low per share price. The trading process of penny stocks includes share…

Train chhooota to nahi? #shorts #wsgshorts
How to Get Started in the Stock Market How to get started in the stock market is one of the most challenging questions with no real definite answer. The Stock…

Big Bluff ! #shorts #wsgshorts
Coping With Investment Fraud Investment fraud (also called brokerage fraud) usually occurs when an advisor, a brokerage firm, or a stockbroker give advice to a client against the rules and…

Gautam Adani’s trick to become rich! #shorts
Penny Stock Trading Investment Penny stock Trading investment involves trading in low priced stocks that have a high return. One scans through the listed traders in the market and identifies…