This Stock can give you 20% 🔥

How to Develop a Trading Plan For Investing on the Stock Market

Having a trading plan is as important as having the money you plan to use to invest. Without a plan, odds are you’ll soon have lost your money due to poor decision making; and can make a profitable, enjoyable experience trading on the stock market an expensive one you’ll regret. The good news is that a trading plan is simple to develop, and depends entirely on yourself.

Goodbye, Bear Stearns

The Bear Stearns collapse marked the bottom in the financial crisis. The government had to step in and they did; if they didn’t there would have been a financial catastrophe.

Sometimes You Just Have to Go With Your Gut

A very candid look into my own investing strategies. I am a professional stockbroker for a prestigious Wall Street firm, and I am very candid and open with my investing strategies.

My New Investing Strategy

I am a professional stockbroker on Wall Street, and I feel like I have a lot of insight to share with investors. In this article, I discuss my new investing strategy.

Learn How to Earn on the Stock Market – Easy As CFD

CFDs is a short hand term for ‘Contracts for Difference’, and is a stock market product which delivers great earnings potential for investors. Basically, when you trade in a CFD you don’t buy or sell the physical stock – in other words you don’t own the stock itself, just an interest in it. For example – if you purchase a CFD on a particular stock, if the stock goes up in price you’ll still make a profit as if you owned the actual stock itself!

Calendar Spreads

The Orphaned Investment. You will see why I call these very good investments an orphan. But first let’s get into the meat of what these guys are. Why they were invented and how they have evolved into such a great opportunity for the average investor to gain more than an average return.

Company Profiles – ASML

This story is about change and growth. A company that came out-of-the-blue and is now number one in the field of wafer steppers. This is the so-called back-end part of the semiconductor-device fabrication. This phase is dominated by a lithographical process in which the circuit is projected on the silicon slices. In the adjacent phase – the front-end – the transistors and other components are being placed on the chip. ASML produces the back-end machines.

Initiating Trading in Stock Markets

Equity markets are a place wherein, people come in to make millions overnight!!! Some think its the easiest place to make money, and end up losing money in the easiest way possible. Some think its a gamble, some think it requires a flash of brilliance, some think it requires a good ‘tip’ from my friend / broker, and very few think its a matter of being plain simple lucky!

Trading Offshore Made Easy – Part 2

Amongst the many other categories that compose the ranks of offshore investors world-wide, we should not forget the much abused U.S. and American traders, clients & expatriates. These U.S. offshore investors and American expatriates have been very negatively affected in terms of choice by the anti-commercial collateral damage caused by the Patriot’s Act, an Act which has also served -ironically- to reinforce the oligopoly of the handful of incumbents in the United States, namely the American Exchanges (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX) and three or four of the large U.S. Investment Banks currently under the cosh of the sub-prime debacle.

Stock Trading Software – Helping You Make More Money!

Stock trading software used for year by professional traders is now an affordable option to the individual trader at home. Used correctly the software can help you increase your trading profits dramatically.

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