Viral 🔥 Stock Market Trading Strategies

Harmonic Trading Patterns Versus Indicators

If you’re reading this article it’s most likely because you’re interested in finding a profitable trading method. In fact, if you’re already a profitable trader then you probably weren’t even searching for this article in the first place! Most traders begin with indicators. You can probably name at least a half-dozen different indicators without even thinking too hard, right? MACD, stochastics, RSI, ergodic, Keltner channels, Bollinger bands, etc. How are those working for you?

Finding the Best Penny Stocks to Watch

How do you know which penny stocks to watch? How do you separate quality small cap companies from the typical noise in the market? What’s the best way to get started trading micro cap companies? This articles tells you how!

For You Stock Investors – You Need Dividends!

Capital gains, income and growth are the primary drivers of stock investing decisions. Depending on your investment profile and objectives, focusing on any one – or a combination of all three – has merit. Further, any one or all of the drivers can be obtained from individual stock, stock mutual fund or (stock) ETF ownership.

Three Tips for Getting the Best Stock Picking Robot

Stock picking robots have enabled millions of traders the world over to trade more effectively in the stock market by carrying out all the analytical work on their behalves. Not every program is as good as the next, so after several years of relying heavily on this technology myself, I’ve compiled the following three tips for getting the best stock picking robot to help you realize your financial independence in today’s volatile economic climate.

Winning Big in the Stock Market

All great stock market operators know how to properly observe, interpret, and then execute trades with the odds strongly in their favor. Learn these trading secrets, and you could make a fortune in the markets.

How To Deal In Stock Market? – Part II

In the market you need to turn into a Miser. We are suggesting that you become EXTREMELY MISERLY when you have profits to show. With most traders and short-term players the major problem is that they are too casual about their profits. Since the profit targets are not really defined, there is always a feeling that “this” trade can give me more money. Doing so, you will turn a winner into a loser.

Stick To Your Plan And Forget The Rest

Choose a plan and stick with it long enough. That is the only way to become a successful trader.

How to Trade Options – What Every Investor Must Know

Options trading has recently stirred the interest of many investors, a good number of which are novices. If you happen to be one of these newbies, there can be a real downside if you’re diving into option trading just because you’ve heard there are big bucks to be made. Especially if you’re not taking into account the fact that basic options trading know-how is absolutely critical if you plan on making any money at all. If you jump in without the basic knowledge of how to trade options, you can very quickly lose your shirt.

Top 8 Share Trading Tips for Successful Traders

“Everybody wants to be rich”, and you can become rich if you follow these share trading tips. But, if you don’t follow these share trading tips, you’ll probably end up broke. Also, If you ever lose money on a trade, make sure you understand why.

Stay Away From IPOs

I don’t like driving during the night, with the headlights off and no map. Also, I don’t like IPO’s and here is why.

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