How to Formulate a Profitable Trading Plan
Everyone wishes to have a quick breakthrough in the share market. One desires to end each day with a successful note. With some theory knowledge and the encouragement derived from a few profitable trades in the initial stage, you think that you are on with a highly profitable venture.
Growth InvestingThere are various kinds of investment strategies followed by different investors. Each strategy is underlined by the same principle of earning returns on the stocks invested in. One such strategy is growth investing.
Valuation of StocksAs a share or stock is a representation of partial ownership of a company that is publicly traded, its price can be significantly affected by the change in the market conditions. Thus, it represents the share in the company’s revenue, earnings, cash flow, shareholders’ equity, etc.
The “Osaka Clipper” Candlestick Pattern Comes CallingThe Dow Industrials Average fell 1400 points in February 2009 following the emergence of a four-bar variation of the bearish “Evening Star” Japanese Candlestick reversal pattern. The same four-bar pattern completed yesterday, April 20, 2009, in the Dow and in several other Indexes. This unorthodox pattern is sufficiently visually identifiable that it deserves recognition as a legitimate Candlestick pattern in its own right. I call it the “Osaka Clipper.”
Penny Stock Trading to MillionsLet’s cut to the chase. You can make money with penny stock trading. I know, because I’ve done it. While there tends to be debate as to the best way to amass massive wealth in the stock market, we all know that throughout history there’s been countless penny stocks that have paid off big.
Buying Insurance For Your StockDid you know there was a way to buy insurance for your stocks? It allows you to keep some of the money you have invested if your stock crashes, which could be very powerful when times are uncertain.
Penny Stock Picks – How to Have More Successful TradesThe key to making money in the stock market starts with the successful trade. It doesn’t matter what you’re trading. Many people look for penny stock picks to help get them on the right track and this is perfectly okay. However, there is a little bit of qualifying that must be done first. Let’s talk about that.
Stops on OptionsOptions can be very risky because it is possible to lose 100% of your invested capital if you are wrong. One thing you can do to prevent this is to put stops on your options.
Stock Assault 2.0 Review – Artificial Intelligence Successfully Plays the Stock MarketMake thousands of dollars on the stock market using a highly successful tool, Stock Assault 2.0. This artificial intelligence based software will indicate what stock to buy as well as when to buy it and sell it. With this software there is no need to know how to analyze the market or have day trading experience to be successful. It does all the work. Stock Assault 2.0 does this so successfully that anyone can take a small investment, build it up, and eventually make a living off the stock market.
Warren Buffet Books – Are They Worth Reading?Warren Buffet was born in 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska and has become probably the world’s most successful investor. He is the son of a stockbroker and Congressman, and of course everyone wants to learn about his investment secrets. I don’t think that Warren Buffet has actually written a book about his investment principals himself, but he has from time to time given hints in his annual letters to share holders of Berkshire Hathaway, and in other short notes and reports to the media.