What is MY Identity in Share Market ? (Hindi) | Nitin Bhatia

Penny Stock Trading

The lure of trading in penny stocks is strong. The promise of fast easy gains makes many new investors excited and they jump into these trades too quickly. Learn what penny stock info you need and look before you leap!

Even If You Subscribe to a Penny Stocks List You Should Still Know How to Do Your Own Basic Analysis

Many investors don’t know how to do their own research. It’s not uncommon for people who trade penny stocks to subscribe to a penny stocks list in order to get tips on what trades to make. There’s nothing wrong with that outright, but you do have to have complete confidence in your stock picker’s ability to make good selections, and you do have to pay them.

The Four Basic Option Sensitivities

For investors who are looking to take a bit of a risk with options, understanding what makes them “tick” is an appropriate first step. In this brief article, we look at the four option sensitivities, also known as financial Greeks.

What is a Penny Stock Picking Service?

There are many different types of stock picking service varying in the range of services provided and price. A Penny Stock Picking service can provide penny share picks, background information and analysis. In addition some penny stock picking services are also online brokers.

The Problems With Trading Penny Stocks

The Penny Stock market is touted as a market where the money is easy and might be a way to hit it big. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Penny Stock market is fraught with unsavory characters and questionable practices and finding a reputable broker is very difficult.

Enhance Your Stock Portfolio With a Dividend Reinvestment Program

Probably one of the greatest appeals with mutual funds that investors tend to love is the convenience factor. Unlike traditional investments where assets are bought and sold and the gains need to be reinvested in order for the funds to keep working, mutual funds allow those same gains to get reinvested back into the fund.

How to Flip Stocks and Get Rich

Are you tired of your job? Are you sick of the traffic, stress, and meetings? You can quit once you learn these secret rules on how to trade stocks for a living.

Two Arguments For Investing in Small Cap Securities

Investing in small cap securities is always a risky proposition for a lot of investors. After all, the Russell 2000, which tracks small cap performance, was among the worst performing index in 2007 with a scary return of negative 16.5 (vs the broader S&P 500 index that returned -10.5%).

Traders’ Technical Tool Box – How to Quickly and Easily Find Trend Transitions

Simple is best when trading the market. Most traders get fooled by that idea and think a good method needs to be complicated to make profits. Not from my experience. Simple doesn’t mean ineffective. This simple, yet effective technical tool will keep you in good trades and show you when to exit the losing stock market trades.

The Current Stockmarket Scenario in India

In the current lifestyle, financial stability holds great importance. Lavish living and availing all the conveniences of life may not be possible with a single salary, especially if you stay in the city where cost of living is very high. This is the reason why both partners in a household (nuclear family) work to meet both ends meet satisfactorily or even beyond expectations.

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