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Why Is It Risky to Buy Penny Stocks?

A penny stock is a company that trades for less than $5 per share that doesn’t trade on any of the major markets. Investment strategies within this sector are highly marketed, but risk is rarely factored into the potential returns. Everyone is told that the stock market is the riskiest of the common investment strategies.

Reward to Risk Explained – Part 1

What exactly is reward to risk? Well, quite simply, it’s a ratio that determines how much money you intend to make versus how much money you intend to risk on any one trade. This seems like a simple concept and most people use it in a simplified way, that’s if they use it at all. The majority of people take way too much risk and don’t take anything into consideration with regards to reward to risk ratios. In this lesson, I will dive deep into how to calculate reward to risk and how it can help improve your trading and hopefully demystify the concept for you.

How To Make Money In The Stock Market Monthly

To make money in the stock market, you need to be educated. This will allow you to put consistent profits month in and month out.

5 Ways to Select Effective Stock Investment Program

If you are planning or have already planned to invest in the susceptible and speculative stocks market, then, you should get concerned about using an effective investment program that’d help you to make right investments in appropriate time. With thousands of stocks listed in the stocks market, it becomes very difficult to make a correct immediate decision, and therefore a right working automated stock program can turn out to be at real advantage for you. However, selecting a good stock program will help you to make informed decisions in the manner such that you register phenomenal increase in the value…

Secrets to Profiting From the Stock Market

When you look at the stock market, you always see so many profiting and doing so well from it. In this article, you will discover some secrets that will help you profit from the stock market.

5 Reasons Why to Trade at Online Stock Market

The trends of trading in the stock market have changed, and they have changed massively. Middle class has become more interesting in stock trading, and moreover, they are more informed on the latest and advanced technologies that’s serve the way towards secured online trading.

Options Trading Strategy – Getting Started in Options Trading

For the average passive investor, the world of options trading can seem intimidating and out of reach. Options trading strategy, however, can actually be learned by almost any investor willing to put the time and effort into determining their trading goals, researching strategies that fit those goals, and employing an approach to learning that take one step at a time and builds on a foundation of knowledge before moving on to the next strategy.

Point and Figure Charting Guidelines

When using Point and Figure Charts for trading and investing research, there are a few simple steps to follow when determining the next price movement on the charts themselves. Do we continue in the current column by adding an additional X or O? To determine this we must see what the “closing” price is for the next time period of the chart we are constructing.

Market Analysis for HEALTHNOSTICS Inc

The article focuses on financial and stock market position of Healthnostics Inc. The article gives a detailed financial review on HNSS based on fundamental technical analysis enabling investors and traders to make better decisions.

Trade Option Spreads

Learn how to profit from option spreads. Call spreads, Put spreads, credit and debit trading. While spread positioning and trading carries less risk than many other option strategies – only those who know the angles really make money.

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