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Strategy – Buy Loser Stocks

According to the analysis of DeBondt and Thaler, portfolio of the 35 biggest losers in a previous year outperformed the market by 30% after five years. On the long run the winner portfolio will outperform the loser portfolio, but on the short run (three to five years) the loser portfolio will perform better.

Stocks Vs Bonds – Difference And The Risk Involved Between These Financial Instruments

Stocks and bonds are two investment assets. People can invest in them to make good profits. There is certain amount of risk involved in both of them. Choosing your investment wisely minimizes the risk.

NYSE Top Formation Says We Should Expect Prices To Fall To 1000

On a review of NYSE price formations over several times frames something quite interesting has reared its head to challenge the commonly held assumption that the long term trend of the stock market is up. Specifically the evidence that refutes the long term up trend assumption can be seen by the appearance of several diamond topping patterns that have occurred on multiple time frames, most recently a duration of the past year, but perhaps more importantly also a larger one with a duration of the past 20 years!. Whilst several diamond topping patterns of a 1-2 year duration can been clearly be seen in a 20 year weekly or monthly chart of the NYSE, so too can a very large diamond topping pattern be seen that has a formation duration of 15 years. Quite ominously, this 15 year pattern appears now to be close to completion, and as it resolves it will target 1000 in the NYSE over the coming 3-7 years, some 70% below current price levels of 7000 at the time this article is written.

Stock Trading System – 4 Steps to Becoming an Expert Trader

Is there a stock trading system that works? Is there a simple system that works consistently, day after day, without fail, and provides steady gains year after year? The short answer is an emphatic YES! In fact, when you do a quick search, you’ll find that there are a number of systematic approaches that can provide consistent results on a regular basis…or at least that’s what the advertisements say. But for the vast majority the longer answer is, unfortunately… NO! Why? What is the problem and why isn’t there a simple, consistent stock trading system that will beat the market day after day, month after month, year after year for most investors? What is the factor that turns gains into losses and success into failure?

Tips For Choosing a Spread Betting Broker

Spread betting has now become a highly regarded form of trading and is becoming increasingly popular mainly due to the tax free aspect of the product and its leveraged nature. A task which is of the utmost importance to the stock market trader is selecting the right spread betting firm to trade with. Making it even harder is the fact that many of the firms have now slashed spreads and are now diversifying into other areas such as binary bets, the Forex market, fixed odds and more.

Four Essential Things You Need for Stock Market Trading

With the occurrence of the recession in the US economy, many Americans have come to realize that financial stability is important, especially for those who have a growing family to look after. The sudden loss of one’s job and the subsequent inability to pay for loans and mortgages has demonstrated the importance of having a fallback should similar cases occur in the future. For the aforementioned reasons, more and more people are now considering stock market investment as a viable option. If you are interested in engaging in stock market trading, apart from the initial amount of money you wish to “invest” in this activity, there is a need to arm yourself with three things: a trustworthy broker, knowledge of basic information, effective strategies, and expert tools to help you out.

Ready to Dive In? Stock Trading Tips You Need to Know

Are you one of the millions of Americans who have been hardly hit by the economic recession? If the answer is yes, then you have probably experienced having to cut back on household expenses or worse, losing your job and the ability to pay off your mortgage. In times like these, we all realize the importance of having sound fallback, upon which we can draw some support during financial crises. It is within this context that more and more Americans have now considered trying out stock market trading as a way to diversify their financial portfolio and ensure their long-term security.

How to Get the Most Out of Online Stock Trading

The emergence of the Internet has greatly improved human lives in thousands of ways. One area in which it has significantly contributed is stock market trading. In this case, the Internet age has also ushered in the age of online stock trading. While some people have come to view learning stock trading or stock market investment basics as somewhat difficult, computer technology has actually made these activities much easier to learn and participate in.

Understanding the Main Advantages of Online Stock Trading

Online trading is just one of the many wonderful benefits we are all reaping from the emergence of the Internet. For some, it has replaced traditional stock market trading primarily because of the many advantages a trader can get out of it. In addition, online trading has become some sort of great equalizer, democratizing the process of trading that has long been the domain of accredited stockbrokers and financial institutions. Today, anyone with an Internet connection, some basic stock market education, extra cash, and patience can become a successful stock trader from the comforts of one’s own home.

Can Investment Experts Really Foretell the Markets?

Stockbrokers are full of confidence and will bounce a lot of facts and figures when communicating to potential prospects. However, more information does not always lead to a greater level of market predictability. The information a prospect needs to know is does that broker making a living from picking stocks?

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