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10 Rules to Choosing the Right Stocks to Buy

Picking right stocks is both a science and an art. Your attitude is the ‘art’ part of the process. Given below is the ‘science’ part – 10 simple steps to identifying the right stocks to invest in.

What Is the Graham Number and How Can It Be Used to Generate Great Stock Picks?

Are you looking for a great way to pick stocks in minimal time? Well, Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett developed a technique over 5 decades ago that’s still relevant today. This article outlines a ratio they call the Graham Number.

Why Don’t More People Invest in Preferred Stock?

Preferred Stock is one of the most misunderstood forms of investments. This article explains why many investors don’t hold this type of security and how it can be properly used in your portfolio.

Why Penny Stocks Are Risky

When you are looking at a retirement investment portfolio the higher the percentage of stock investments the more aggressive the portfolio is. In general investing in the stock market is considered somewhat high risk already. Add penny stocks to the mix and you’ve greatly increased the risk factor. But with this high risk comes the potential of high reward, otherwise people wouldn’t engage in high-risk investments. If you’re thinking about getting into penny stock trading it is important to understand why these stocks are considered high risk.

Warren Buffett Books

For those investors trying to learn the techniques of the most successful stock market traders, they might want to start with legendary investor, Warren Buffett. In this article, readers learn the most important financial texts that shaped Warren Buffett’s investing techniques.

Why Does Warren Buffett Like to Buy Stable Companies That He Understands?

One of the most important things any value investor can find in a stock pick is stability in it’s earnings and debt management. This article talks about why those variables are important.

How to Calculate the Intrinsic Value of Stocks Like Warren Buffett

One of the most sought after calculations in all of investing is Warren Buffett’s method for determining the intrinsic value of stocks. This article will provide a quick overview of the important pieces needed for solving this problem.

Can The Stock Market Avoid Election Year Dip?

Two of the last three elections years have had patterns similar to this year’s market, and experienced significant sell-offs from their August highs to subsequent lows. Can the market avoid the similar pattern this year from continuing?

What Are The Most Obvious Penny Stock Risks?

Companies are never successful initially. Like everyone else, they start from humble beginnings and make their way through the ranks. Unfortunately, some investors are under the misconception that they will find the next “big thing” if they scour through penny stocks in hopes of coming across the next Walmart or Microsoft.

70% Or 1.7 Billion Facebook Shares Unlock in October and November 2012 – Interesting

The Facebook rise and IPO will be studied by business students, stock analysts, regulators, and Wall Street for decades to come, not merely because it was the second largest ever, but more because of the fallout afterwards and the chaos which ensued the day of the offering. Apparently, in hindsight we see that the Facebook IPO was mispriced and that’s perhaps what started the problems, as it never got the IPO first day boost that it really should have.

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