Understanding Market Volatility

The basic reason of investing in the stock market is earning of high returns. But do everyone’s investment objectives get fulfilled? The answer is an obvious ‘No’! The stock market in India like every other market across the world is highly volatile and the investor is thus subject to risks.

Weighing vs Voting Machine – Warren Buffett

“In the short run, the market is a voting machine. In the long run, it’s a weighing machine.” Does it really have to come to painful collapses in price? Surely factual information about earnings, dividends, level of debt, cash flow etc should give us an idea if a company is trading way off its value or not… and without needing a degree in accounting. Anybody, who is looking objectively at the state of affairs and not blindly following the crowd, can see that a company without assets or income is a ludicrous investment and yet, the internet craze swept everybody up.

Is it Viable to Do Stock Trading Online?

To do stock trading online, the internet has become very common. There are many websites that make you do trading through the internet. You can see all the stocks and do whatever you want to do. Online stock market trading is very interesting, but it needs to be done very carefully. One wrong click of the mouse can make you lose money. The actual process is very easy and you have to just follow it carefully.

5 Things Stock Traders Do to Make Money That Master Traders Say Will Lose Money

There are five mistakes that amateur traders make every day that master traders say will lose money. Are you making one of them?

Long Term Investing – What Are the Best Strategies?

When it comes to long-term investing there are lots of different approaches you can take. However I think there are basically two main strategies that will generate the best returns in the long-term (by which I mean 5, 10, 15 years, etc).

A Primer on Online Trading Stock and Option Styles

When you understand what goes into options, you’ll understand the difference between online trading stock and option styles. More and more people are finding that they prefer online option trading to traditional online stock trades.

It Appears Growth is Back, Ssshhh, Don’t Tell Anyone

What does this mean for the markets? HHMM you might ask. Well it is obvious the markets are saying it all right now.

Momentum Trading Can Turn Your $10,000 Account Into $42 Million Within 2 Years

Top traders of all times are in fact momentum traders including one trader who turned his $10,000 account into $42 million in a matter of 2 years. The name of this trading legend is Dan Zanger.

How to Start and Invest in the Stock Market in a Safe and Prudent Way – (Part 2)

The main problem of the beginner investor is how to make his first steps in the financial market. This guide will provide you with some initial steps you would like to consider when entering into financial investments.

Don’t Be the Next Sucker – Follow the Golden Rule When You Get the Next HOT Penny Stock TIP!

Penny Stocks are the definition of High Risk / High Reward investments. Companies whose stocks are listed on one of the major exchanges are required to follow a number of accounting and reporting rules and guidelines in order to maintain their listing.

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